electricfelix updates - Issue #9

A storm is coming! Shall I name this issue The Maingau Edition?

The longer you have been active in the EV scene the more obvious it was that things would get shaken up again. September 2020 is one of those moments. Here's hoping it's still August when you read this!

Maingau, oh Maingau

You probably received their email and if you're using any social media you might've witnessed hot streams of comments.

Maingau, the trustworthy companion of many European EV drivers. In August

2020 they announced a new pricing scheme that increases (fast) charging

prices allover Europe. A more sustainable business model. No more generous

Ionity pricing using the Maingau charging card.

Find my article through the link above, it's not the first time Maingau changed their pricing model. It does make me go back a year in time when the 5ct/min became 25ct/kWh. Quite a bump. DC charging will now get priced as premium and this has implications for anyone that uses fast charging infrastructure.

Important fact: even with the price increase Maingau is still the easiest way to 'charge on the cheap' when using fast chargers in most European countries. So that says something about the amazing qualities of this company. I won't forget what you did for the EV community in these years! Much love for Maingau.

Not only Maingau: eins Sachsen too!

It might've been an omen, one of the best charging cards of Europe: eins Sachsen announced a price changed earlier in August. They used to be the king of Allego fast charging. For a while Bosch seemed the best alternative in NL but that bug already got squashed.

Cheaper EV fast charging around Europe. Find the best deal at Allego, EnBW,

Fastned, Ionity, Innogy and other European Fast charging destinations.

electricfelix cheap ev fast charging.

As a follow up to my long running Ionity pricing page, find my newest price comparison through the link above. I will keep it updated during the next months while watching the European Fast Charging Markets.

Podcasts, never ending

Earlier this summer Johannes & Max invited me to join their Fahr Doch Elektrisch podcast. Don't worry, we recorded it in English. Talking about my first EV experiences, what I think about pricing models at fast chargers, which vehicles I like and why:

Wir, also Johannes (CEO von @eliso_gmbh) und Max (@elektromobilist) , sind echte Elektromobilisten und sind auch beruflich in der Welt der Elektromobilität zuhause. In diesem Podcast sprechen wir (fast) ohne Skript frei raus und tauschen dabei Erfahrungen, Meinungen und Empfehlungen aus. Wir möchten andere E-Auto-Fahrer mitnehmen und genauso Interessierte für die elektrische Mobilität begeistern.

Daimler Mobility interview

Daimler has big plans for e-mobility and they wanted to know more about electricfelix! You can read the whole interview over on their Mobility blog:

Felix Hamer is passionate about driving electric. He talks about the range of electric vehicles, EV-roadtrips and his experience with the Mercedes-Benz EQC.

Roadtrips, more roadtrips!

The DS3, the Porsche Taycan & the Jaguar I-PACE: July was full of roadtrips. Lots of travel stories will arrive on the blog in September, in the next newsletter I'll tell you all about it!


The past days I headed out on yet another roadtrip visiting friends in Germany! You can still check up on every step of the ride:

Follow electricfelix's #EQC2Schwarzwald trip

Which charging card to order now?

That really depends on preferences, vehicle(s) and travel desire(s). If you sign up to become a patron of electricfelix we can discuss in private and find the best deal out there! For the Dutchies: find electricfelix on the petje.af platform.

Become a patron of electricfelix today:

Read 4 posts by electricfelix and get access to exclusive

content and experiences on the world’s largest membership

platform for artists and creators.

Thank you

Over 40 people are now supporting electricfelix and I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you. Without your support I will not be able to continue this mission, delivering the travel stories with the most diverse fleet of EV's I can get my hands on!

If you have ideas for things I should write about, vehicles I have to try, or any other matter, don't hestitate to contact me!

Patrons of electricfelix went allover this summer even with the hurdles of international travel these days. Visiting family in Portugal by e-tron or traveling with the whole family from Sweden to Turkey by I-Pace, it has been amazing to receive all the updates about local infrastructure. Look forward to more updates to the travel guides!

Cool URL's is back!

There's competition for Stromi! App Store (TestFlight)

Die App ist kostenlos. Der kleine Ladefuchs freut sich allerdings wie ein junger Dachs über Futterspenden. Er fiepst dann immer ein bisschen.

Stromi? Yes, they built an app that's using the data of the amazing website: chargeprice.app

For some reason stromi.app is not working right now (maybe they want more time before a bigger audience comes). Find it in your local app store! Play Store. App Store.

If you haven't signed up for &charge maybe this is your moment?

&Charge is your e-mobility platform which rewards your activities and shopping trips with free energy for your electric car.

Tango (Q8, NL) now has an app (they promised this back in winter). I'm not convinced it's really working (have yet to find a pricing model) but feel free to let me know what you think! My sources tell me the Harderwijk (NL) station is still on free vend for now.

Met z’n allen zijn we steeds actiever bezig met duurzaamheid. En ook jouw behoeftes rond mobiliteit veranderen. Wij bewegen graag met je mee. Vanaf nu kun je met Tango electric bij 60.000 punten in Europa laden en betalen met de Tango electric-laadpas en app.